I met Zak Hardacre very recently on Twitter and Facebook, and, though Zak is a relatively new erotica author, he is an accomplished author under another name. Yes I know who he is, and no, I'm not telling :). I can, however, tell you about Zak the person. He's full of fun, always enjoys a good verbal sparring, and is always one of the first to offer help when needed. Zak has an outgoing personality as is never afraid to as a question when the need arises, though often enough he makes a game out of it and involves everyone he can. He's always willing to support his fellow indie authors, and he has quickly built up friendships, and a fan base, in his new chosen genre. Zak hails from the North East of England and is a former British soldier, and yes his other genre is military based, but after meeting another author of the erotica genre he decided to try his hand at something a little different. I still speak with Zak regularly, and his alter ego, but from what I can see he's having a ball with the new direction of his writing career. Here is what Zack Hardacre has to say... Why did you decide you wanted to become a writer? My father was a good story teller, and captivated me by the way he could mix fact with fiction. What was the thing that drove you the most to do so? I wanted to try and see if I could emulate my father, and if possible make it even more interesting or exciting than he did. We were always very competitive, and I still am today How long have you been writing? Almost two year now. Why did you pick the genre/s that you have? Well that is a long story but I will try and make it as brief as I can. I began using social media as a tool when I started out writing. I have published two books at this moment in time, with a final third one on the way. They are of a military genre and based on my experiences over the twenty three years of my service. Whilst using social media I came across another writer, and I can't remember how it happened but we became friends. During this time I was looking through different genres and came across a book by a lady which had a military theme to it. I noticed something familiar about her profile picture her face obscured by a hat, yet the smile was unmistakable. I knew it was the same lady that I was friends with already, who writes under a different name. After I confronted her with this she came clean, and I read and reviewed three of her military style erotica books. Well from there on I was 'hooked' and couldn't get enough of it (if you excuse the pun). I began downloading books from a group of authors purely for research purposes of course. I found that there was such a varied mix of writing styles, sub-genres and kinks. Armed with this little bit of knowledge I co-authored a piece of work called "Explosive Chemistry" with Dakota Storm. Being both British born with the same heritage and traits that go with it, we found that we had the same sense of humour and outlook on life. It made my first foray into erotica an enjoyable and pleasurable experience As we passed the manuscript back and forth I would read over what she had written, and 90% of the time it was what I would have written. This made the whole thing fun and a pleasure to do. The thing I have noticed so far compared to other genres is the support you receive from other authors. I couldn't have got to where I am on this particular journey without them. They know who they are and I would like to formally thank them all. Who is your favourite character, and why? My favourite character is Zak, as he is almost a facsimile of myself. As I am rather vane I get an incredible kick out of this. That last bit was a joke by the way 'just saying' Do you have any particular quirks when writing? I don't know if it is a quirk but I tend to do my writing early in the morning, just after I have exercised. My brain seems to be firing better at that time. I work full time and find by the end of the day my motivation wanes slightly. I also have a notepad and pen by me all the time while watching TV. If I think of something I just put a quick note to remind me for later. What does your family think of your work? My family don't know about me writing erotica, and for the moment I want to leave it that way. I told two very close friends one of whom was very supportive, the other was the complete opposite. So I made the decision it would be my secret and shared only with a select few in the Erotica community. Do you belong to any writing groups? And if so what do you think are the pros and cons? I don't belong to any writing groups as I am naturally a shy person, tending to shun from being in the limelight. I do however plan to join one or more in the future. I see support as a positive factor in these groups, and a good way of networking. I cannot comment on any negatives not being exposed to it as yet. How do you deal with writers block? I normally find exercise, and long walks in the mountains, give me time for reflection. Discussions with friends about their experiences and drawing on my own also helps. What would you say is the most difficult part of writing? I find punctuation quite difficult, as you will probably tell by my responses to these questions. What do you enjoy the most about writing? I enjoy creating a world that others may or may not have entered before. It is either familiar to some but also interesting to others. The ability to take a reader on a journey that due to their own personal circumstances they ordinarily would not have been able to take. Where do you find your inspiration? I find my inspiration from past experiences of my own, and others who I have shared sexual encounters with. Are your characters based on anyone you know? Yes all the characters are based on people I have known over the years. What do you do in your spare time to relax? I love to cycle, take long walks, and socialise with friends. What do you like to read? I don't have a particular genre, I have read horror, science fiction, historical fiction and historical fact. I could list many more but don't think you want to read a novel. Now of course I am being consumed with a passion for erotica of all kinds. Who is your favourite author? I don't have a favourite but I do like Shakespeare, Dickens, Stephen King and James Herbert I have only read around seven or eight erotica pieces of work. Out of all of them I would say I enjoyed "Violet the Organ Grinders - Entertaining the Troops by July Cummings. Where are your books available? At the moment only on Amazon What are you working on right now? At this moment of writing this I am almost ready to publish a piece of work on my own called "Undercover Liaisons". Like the previous one the story line is based on a character who is basically myself. I just use past experiences to guide the story both sexually and factually. What is your ultimate goal? To write full time Do you have a favourite film? And if so what is it? My favourite film is 300 with Gerard Butler. This is because my love of history having studied my degree on the subject with the Open University. Here is where you can find Zak Hardacre Website: zakhardacre.wix.com/author Twitter: @ZakHardacre Facebook: facebook.com/people/Zak-Hardacre Amazon: www.amazon.co.uk/Zak-Hardacre I would like to take this last moment to thank Zak Hardacre for taking part in my interview process. I hope you will take the time to follow him on Twitter or Facebook and get to know a great man with a wicked sense of humour, and maybe take a detour on over to Amazon and pick up one of his new steamy reads. Once again, thank you Zak Hardacre.
I met LK Kelly on Twitter many moons ago. We spoke of out writing as we both had picked the same genre, and a very similar female character. Both of us agreed we were fed up with seeing weak willed female characters that needed a strong male character to take care of them. I found it unsurprising really, as LK is a strong woman herself, so I understood her need to write of a woman who can, and does, take care of herself. From those first few conversations we became friends, very often chatting on Twitter about all sorts of things, but LK is one of the new friends I've made that I would really want to meet one day. She's outgoing, supportive, and just an all-round wonderful lady who is always willing to help, even with some really silly questions of my own from time to time. LK Kelly lives in Barling, Arkansas, has been very happily married to her husband Wes for 40 years, and has one adult daughter Laura. She graduated from Westark Community College with an Associate of Arts Degree in Music, and a minor English, has travelled extensively around the world, and chose the genre she has because she believes that the supernatural world can begin at any age in life. Here is what LK Kelly has to say... Why did you decide you wanted to become a writer? By accident! No! Really, Sallyann! Oh, like everyone else always says, "I'll write a book someday”, but, let’s face it. None of us ever really mean it. But a friend of mine, Anita Meyer, who is author of several books (you can find them here http://anitameyer1.wix.com/anita-meyer-books ) in her own right. Asked me if I would edit her book. I said sure. That was in the fall of 2012. I discovered I had a knack for editing, so I started editing occasionally. Then, I decided that I could write just as well as anyone else, so, all I needed was an idea out of the hundreds in my mind! What was the thing that drove you the most to do so? There really wasn’t any one thing. When I decide to do something - well, I just do it. But, because I am an only child, and adopted, I wanted to leave something behind that was from me. Something that I could at least say “LK Kelley was here”. It’s my version of carving my name on a wall. How long have you been writing? Actually, forever. I loved writing in school, and I could BS my way through any teacher, and since it was usually in the form of essays, term papers, book reports, etc., and that was the extent of my writing. And, I could BS my way through ever teacher – except for one. I had a bad moment in the 7th grade. I had been an A student in spelling and language use for 6 years prior, but in the 7th grade, I met a teacher that I had no idea how to read! Her name was Mrs. Werner, and she was my English Lit teacher. She was, by far, the strangest woman I have ever met – even by today’s standards. She “made up” her own “out-of-this-world stories” and totally “off-the-wall stories” – for diagramming sentences and Literature writing. I still have some of them around somewhere, because I knew if I never kept them, no one would ever have believed it! Showed them to my daughter once, whose mouth dropped wide in shock at what she read. I was not fond of Mrs. Werner in any way at all, but I needed help in some way – especially when I received my very first “F” ever for the first quarter! But, strange things happen for a reason, and this is the strangest! Mrs. Werner was in Continuing Education classes, and she was assigned a several-week long paper on how to help a student who was having trouble. So, when I went to her for help, I we both became guinea pigs to each other! At first, I didn’t get her stories, but as time went on, I finally figured her out and her stories! For the next 6-8 weeks, I skipped study hall, and went to her class. A old-fashioned monstrous tape recorder was set, and we began. The next quarter, I received a C. Progress? Yes, but not enough for me! She, too, was having a bit of trouble in her own class. But, we finally realized we liked each other, so, that allowed us to buckle down to serious studying. By third quarter, she grinned widely as she handed my report card with a B+ on it! I was over the moon on it! And, by fourth quarter (her assignment had been completed), my fourth quarter, and year-end grade was A+! Never again did I receive LESS than an A in my English classes from that point forward, and I learned to “talk around” assignments in such a way, no other teacher ever caught on! I, literally, owe everything I know to Mrs. Werner. I don’t know where she is today, and it’s highly possible she is either still alive, and very old, or she has departed from this world. I wish that I could tell her, and show her, what she did for me, Sallyann! Why did you pick the genre/s that you have? It's my fav. I love it simply because you can literally pull anything out of thin air, and use it. Even myth and mythology can be taken, and given a whole new perspective! And that is what I did. It was a blast making up new ways of looking at the entire paranormal, myth, and legends! Who is your favourite character, and why? That is a hard one, but it is Kaitlan's (heroine) best friend, Sarah. Everyone of my characters have full-blown backgrounds in my books. I take the reader into their stories as I introduce each one, in turn, and their mates. Unlike the other female characters, however, she is not at all paranormal, but completely human – at least for a while. Kaitlan rescued her from a horrible life of rape from her Father when they were in grade school at the age of 6. Although the others suffered in their own ways – usually within the distant past – Sarah's was a real abuse that we see far too often in today’s world. I needed one character to be human and who had suffered at a young age. Since my readers are human (at least I hope so! ;) ), I wanted a tie-in to bridge the human-paranormal world. And, Sarah’s story did just that in spades. Do you have any particular quirks when writing? I talk to myself and actually physically act out each scene in my head before I write, and if needed, will do so aloud. I just get a few eye rolls and shake of a head as my family ignores me! I am a HUGE lover of listening to the commentaries in movies to see how they created the movie or TV series that I do like. After a while, I realized that I could use their biggest trick – Storyboards! However, for me, I create a storyboard in my mind. Pictures and actions are fully formed inside my head right along with dialogue, and in full scenes, before ever committing “pen to paper”, or in this case, computer and keyboard! So, people will see me talking to myself all the time, and most no longer pay attention to me! What does your family think of your work? ROFL!! I never told them I was writing a book! I needed something to do. My Father died on December 3, 2002, and coincidentally, also was the same day that he and my Mother adopted and brought me home with them many years earlier. (No. Not going to tell you! ROFL!) Anyway, I had quit my job in 2006, because my Mother couldn’t work or drive any more, and was getting much worse with each passing month and year. Her body was gone, but her mind was as sharp as a tack even at the end of her life. I had to be available at every single second in time “just incase”, and believe me! It was absolutely necessary. She fell numerous times, and had doctor’s appointments that stretched into infinity! No employer would put up with me missing work. I knew it was a matter of time, and I wouldn’t have changed those years with her for any amount of money or pile of gold in this world! She was worth every second. And, yes. I did have my frustration and stress moments, but those no longer mean anything to me compared to the amazing time and love I spent with her. She never knew that I would become a writer. After she passed on November 23, 2009, I had her estate to deal with which took another 2 years of constant – everything! Then, I began to look for a job. For 3 years I tried. The economy was so bad, that no one was hiring, and we even lost 2 of our major industries in our area of Fort Smith, Arkansas. So, I need to do something to keep my mind off my depression of not being able to find employment. That’s when Anita stepped in, and that was the beginning. As to my daughter and husband? Well, it was the funniest, and most secret thing, I have ever done! I wrote, literally, from morning to late at night. Got off track every time my daughter called, but I didn’t tell her why. My husband just looked at me occasionally, then continued to read the newspaper, or watch TV. After 2 months, Wes (my husband) looked up from the newspaper, and finally asked me what I was doing. I told him. He said, "I thought so." Then, began to read the paper again! When I told my daughter, she was shocked, and thought it was really cool! I really wanted to ask her to be my heroine on the bookcover, but hesitated. However, she offered two weeks later! And, her good friend volunteered to be her "mate", Cordone, on the cover as well. Do you belong to any writing groups? And if so what do you think are the pros and cons? No. However, there are always pros & cons to any group. They can help, but also could hinder one's creative ability. Trust could be an issue, as well. While I’m sure that is rare, that's always a possibility. But, I really never thought of joining one. No reason, but my creativity comes from observation and knowledge. Not that it might be fun to observe a writing group as well! I see nothing at all wrong with them, but it isn’t for me. How do you deal with writer’s block? Ah! The “Blockage”! Honestly, I can say that this is rare. However, when I do experience it, I stop writing immediately, because it’s useless to sit in front of the computer, and hunt in my head for an idea that even I know isn’t coming any faster. So, instead, I will work on another book, watch TV, shop, or clean the house. Works every time for me, because something I am doing, or something I hear, always seems to trigger the next idea. The key is to stop pushing your brain. Like ever other muscle, it gets strained. The more you strain it, the worse it gets. And the worse it gets, the longer it takes to get well, so you can get the next idea. So, I say to take a break at least once or twice a week, before you do get the “Blockage”. What would you say is the most difficult part of writing? TIME! Time to write. Like most, now, I have an outside job, so I have to fit it in there somewhere! And, it’s not as easy as it was when I was not employed. What do you enjoy the most about writing? Getting use my wild imagination! If my teacher, Mrs. Werner, had strange stories, mine are much worse! I love acting them out, talking them out, and plain love to develop my characters! It’s fun! And, it also shuts those character voices up demanding I do this or that with their characters! Those guys can drive me batty! ROFL! Where do you find your inspiration? Everywhere. Anywhere. Everything. Anything. Even out of nowhere! I pay attention to everything around me. Scenery & Backgrounds, listening to how people talk, laugh, or argue. Names, if they are unusual. My own daughter & her friends. My own, personal trips all over Europe & England & the USA! I find basing characters on real people and locations on real places, then tweaking them to place them in the middle of my wild imagination, is the best fun of writing! Are your characters based on anyone you know? You bet! Whose doesn't? In my Trilogy, I based 3 of the women on my daughter and 2 of my daughter's friends who got a big kick out of it. The 4th one, was based on one of my best friends who was so cool with letting me do so. I also use her real name, too! Their mates were also based on real life people, but that is where the similarities end. What do you do in your spare time to relax? Well, Sallyann, I have to ask you...”What is that?” LOL! I have no idea what that is any more. But, I do read or watch TV - SciFi of course! I also do a lot of different crafts, decorate cakes with icing sculptures, interior decorating, and much more. Love to go to Walt Disney World as well as Colorado to visit our daughter. Never enough time for everything I want to do. What do you like to read? Romance, SciFi, paranormal, supernatural, and fiction. I get enough reality as it is, so why read no fiction? Who is your favourite author? Love the French spelling of favorite! I use it quite often even if I am an American! Let’s see...that's a toss up between Karen Moning & Quinn Loftis. Their paranormal books are excellent. While Moning is completely adult, she also gives her main character a basis in reality of a tragedy, which begins it all. It is combined with a whole world of the paranormal as well as coming to grips with who she really is. Her boyfriend is an enigma who has lived long before time began. It bridges the gap between human and paranormal. And, her characters are completely off the wall! Loftis writes YA at the time of crossing that threshold between 17 to 18, and each has their own romantic interests of men. One who is 17, one who is well over 100 years old, and the last one around 50! It’s quite fun, and I love the situations they find themselves in before they get to tie their knots, so to speak! She gives full stories for each of the 3 girls in it, as well as one of the girls Mother, which I did not expect, but was a lot of fun to read! Where are your books available? They are on Amazon & Barnes and Noble in both paperback, Kindle, & Nook. And, this is the formal announcement that my books are now available on iBooks, and was a complete surprise to me from my publisher! I am thrilled to be on this venue as well! What are you working on right now? My new series is the “Anaerris Code”. I expect it to be ready for publication around mid summer to fall. Maybe earlier if I can get my editing finished early enough. What is your ultimate goal? One, my goal is to write a great, paranormal story to be read by other women and men to help them get away from their everyday ordinary lives. That’s is my main goal. It’s why I like to read in the first place! Two, I want to write full time! I have so many stories bouncing around in my head, it gets noisy! Until I write, they won't SHUTUP! But, that comes with time. Do you have a favourite film? And if so what is it? Oh, goodness. How much space do you have? My list is so long, I’d never get through them all! But, one of them is “The Great Race”, and if you haven’t seen it, you have to do so! Tony Curtis, Natalie Wood, Jack Lemon, and Peter Falk! It is, by far, one of the best, and funniest movies that was ever made! It is a human cartoon, and these four play it to the max! Until this movie, I only guesses at their comedic abilities, but this brings all of them front and center in a movie of hijinks and hilarity that keeps you laughing for over two hours! A lot of my fans recognize Lola, the #Bookplug #pug who is my great PR agent. But, she is also my daughter’s little rescue pug. She was the best thing that ever happened to our family! Her original owner could not keep her where she was going, so she gave her to the “Colorado Rescue Pug”, and Laura found her from there. She’s very small – about ½ the size of a normal pug. What does that have to do with “The Great Race”? It was the first time my daughter (who was about 7 at the time) decided she wanted a pug, because in the movie, there are about 5-6 pugs! She fell in love with the breed right there and then. So, if you haven’t seen the movie, please, I urge you to do so! http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0059243/ Here is where you can find LK Kelly Website: https://whitewolfprophecy.wordpress.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/LKKelley1 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/whitewolfprophecytrilogybook/?ref=hl Again, Sallyann, thank you for letting me participate in your interviews, and it has been a joy and an honor! And, I am everywhere! If you would like to keep up with the latest developments on my books, and my new series, please join me on either my website or my Twitter. These are the places that are notified before any other! http://firebird4554.wix.com/white-wolf-prophecy https://www.facebook.com/lk.kelley.5 https://www.facebook.com/whitewolfprophecytrilogybook?ref=1 https://plus.google.com/b/106201914077430896285/106201914077430896285/posts/p/pub http://whitewolfprophecymating.blogspot.com/2013/12/what-makes-white-wolf-prophecy-trilogy.html http://whitewolfprophecy.blogspot.com/2014/01/exclusive-excerpts-from-white-wolf.html http://lolathebookbplugpug.blogspot.com/2015/04/introducing-me.html http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B00HFX3ZBQ http://www.barnesandnoble.com/c/lk-kelley https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7477009.L_K_Kelley https://www.pinterest.com/whitewolfproph/ https://www.linkedin.com/pub/lk-kelley/22/377/464 http://www.isotutpublisher.com/1-lk-kelley http://bookreviewstoday.info/2015/02/21/writing-the-white-wolf-prophecy-trilogy-by-guest-author-lk-kelley/ http://booksadvisor.org/?p=575 http://authorsdb.com/authors-directory/12402-lk-kelley https://www.authorgraph.com/authors/LKKelley1 https://wkwriters.wordpress.com/2015/02/23/writing-the-white-wolf-prophecy-trilogy-by-guest-author-lk-kelley/ http://darrienia.com/2015/06/23/book-reviewthe-white-wolf-prophecy-by-l-k-kelley/ https://aurorawatcherak.wordpress.com/2015/07/08/interview-with-lk-kelly/ http://bookreviewstoday.info/2015/02/21/writing-the-white-wolf-prophecy-trilogy-by-guest-author-lk-kelley/http://bookreviewstoday.info/2015/08/29/how-to-choose-an-editor-for-you-by-guest-author-l-k-kelley/ I'd like to take one last moment to thank LK Kelly for being willing to take part in my interviews process, and for answering all my question in depth to let you all get to know her. I hope you'll follow her on Twitter and Facebook, and of course pick up one of wonderful books to add to you summer reading shelves. You will not be disappointed you did. Once again, thank you LK Kelly. I met The Ardent Rose through a mutal friend on Twitter, and as soon as we got to talking I realised I liked her sense of humour, her light hearted views, and her quirky attitude. She's always full of creative ideas, and she supports all Indie authors in any way she can, she really is one of the nicest people you could wish to meet, and once you are her friend she's loyal to a fault. Rose, as she is affectionatley known to her friends, writes some really steamy erotic romance, but that's not her only talent. You really should see some of the ads she makes. She has an eye for detail, and the type of design understanding I can only wish I had. The Ardent Rose is married with grown children, living in a little town in Missouri, and, she says herself, she brings a touch of classy southern sass to her writing, and beware what you share, you just might end up in her next book :). Here is what The Ardent Rose has to say... Why did you decide you wanted to become a writer? About four years ago I picked up reading again and after i read over 100 books in a year my hubby said I should write one. I dabbled with a few short stories before I met Johnjohn who encouraged me to write. What was the thing that drove you the most to do so? Johnjohn and I had been writing poems back and forth together and I had written half dozen short stories for Peter. Peter told me to get published. Long story short, I was injured and pretty much housebound so I decided to finish my novel that I had been wrtiting a chapter at a time and check into self publishing. How long have you been writing? All together about 3 yrs. Novels just the last year. Why did you pick the genre/s that you have? It was familiar to me. I read romantic erotic stories why not write them. Mine seem to border erotic/erotica depends on your definition. Who is your favourite character, and why? That is like asking me to choose which child I like better. I would say Stefan. He has a dark charisma that makes him a mystery. Do you have any particular quirks when writing? I prefer it to be quiet. I used to stay up after my hub had gone to bed to write before I set up my office specifically to write. I also don’t care to use pen and paper. What does your family think of your work? This is a highly personal question for many reasons so I will just give you an abbreviated answer. I sent my first book to my mom. She said she liked it but didnt care for the sex. She’s read Harlequin Romances all my life. My two sons have not said anything nor my sisters. As far as I know my stepsons dont know. Except I have written a ABC book for my grandson and his momma said I should sell them on Etsy. LOL Do you belong to any writing groups? And if so what do you think are the pros and cons? I am a Wicked Pen Author, as you know. I love this very supportive and caring group. But I have to watch myself or I spend too much time in the DM. I am also very appreciative to Mr. Blackthorne for taking me into this group. I have wanted to be with him for a very long time now. The best thing I have found so far is if I have a question one of those lovelies has an answer or Mr. B will. How do you deal with writers block? I have not had to deal with it yet. I have a back log of ideas. I think if I did I would either make some jewelry or craft. Take a small break to be creative in some of my comfort ways. Jewelry is my second love and my greatest joy is creating for someone who will appreciate. What would you say is the most difficult part of writing? EDITING!!!! I hate it but it is necessary. I have not had the privelege to offord outside help. So I do it all myself. I ususally finish draft one/two and let it marinate until a beta reader has given me feebback and then I begin my hopefully final draft. What do you enjoy the most about writing? My lack of control. This will sound silly but when I start out the characters take over. I will find myself writing a twist and ‘I think where did that come from?’ Just the enjoyment of developing a story start and go…. Where do you find your inspiration? Mostly from conversations I’ve had with other people. Johnjohn is a real man as is Peter and Stefan. They all have inspired me with conversation and sharing something of themselves. I met someone recently and he told me his dream and I wrote an entire 2 page outline for a vampire novel. Are your characters based on anyone you know? Oops see above ^^^^ What do you do in your spare time to relax? Read, make jewelry, social media lol all sounds like work What do you like to read? I will read just about anuthing that sounds good. I will read blurbs or an excerpt and if I am pulled in then I want to read. Who is your favourite author? I wishI could say Hemingway or Steinbeck but my recent reading actually began with JR Ward’s Black Dagger Brotherhood and Karen Marie Moning’s Highlander and then her Fever series. I am behind on both now. I try now to read and write reviews to recomend books of unknown authors. Where are your books available? My books are availabe from Amazon which you can also locate through my website theardentrose.com What are you working on right now? I am editing Romania With Love release date March 31 and finishing my Passion Trilogy Book 2 and 3 What is your ultimate goal? For someone to read my books and say she is a good writer can’t wait for her next book. Do you have a favourite film? And if so what is it? I have several but they are old films… Singing in the Rain / Seven Brides for Seven Brothers and White Christmas. I grew up watching musicals with my mother. She also introduced me to Elvis Presley and his movies. Here is how you can find The Ardent Rose Website: theardentrose.com Twitter: @roseardent Facebook Page: The Ardent Rose Instagram: The_Ardent Rose I never have been much of a first person reader, but after reading Broken and Abused I will definitely be reading more of Tim Dutton's works. I felt like I was being told a story, a very intriguing story that made me laugh, cry, and feel a deep seated hate for the villain of the piece. Bo Bodine is a man of honour. He has his own moral code and is a warrior that stands for those who are broken and abused, putting his life on the line for those he has a compulsion to protect. Though he is a man of mystery Bo carries his own grief and pain, and I dare any woman not to fall in love with him. He's a straight talker, shoots form the hip, and his personality really does shine through. Yet, as soft hearted as he is with the people he loves and respects, he is strong, physically, and mentally, which he has to be to do the job he does. He would be a man you would want to be a part of your life, and would be honoured and privileged to know. I want to tell you all about it, but I don't want to put up any spoilers, though let me tell you, I would have given this book 10 stars if I could. Tim really has gone above and beyond. The story is riveting, this I know because I burned lunch due to not being able to put it down, and it will drag you back time and again until you get all the answers, which Tim gives you all in good time, tying up every one of the questions you acquire on the journey. The characters are real, well fleshed out, and complete with their own personalities and their relationships with each other, leaving you feeling like you were among them and along for the wild ride that Tim guides you through. Mr Dutton knows exactly how to play on your emotions, and he plays them like a professional fiddler would a well strung bow. Broken and Abused is a must have for your library, but don't be surprised if you get addicted. I met Michael W. Holman on Twitter more than a year ago. We struck up a friendship based on support of each other, which quickly morphed into a friendship on a personal level. Michael is the epitome of a charming gentleman, his personality very forthright and honest, and he always shows concern for his friends. We sometimes go a few weeks without speaking, though if he hasn't seen me around I will receive a message off him asking if everything is well with me. He is always polite, always willing to support, and always very respectful, so much so that I admit to nicknaming him Charmer, a name that stuck for me and I use often, which in turn led to him naming a chapter in his novel the same. Not once has Michael ever not responded to my hello, and he is the type of friend any one would be honoured to have, but for me it's also a privilege to know such a talented man. Michael is a bachelor and has lived all his life in the Pacific Northwest, in Salem, Oregon. He is also the author of the R&R Trilogy, and being a lover of all things Vampire and Werewolf I have to say I'm looking forward to getting to read them. Resolve and Retribution is book one, Returns and Reunions is book two, and Response and Reward is book three, which Michael had planned to be finished before the 22nd of May 2016 to be the best man at his dads wedding. I'm pleased to say he did exactly that! Here is what Michael W. Holman has to say... Why did you decide you wanted to become a writer? I enjoy asking “what if” and writing down what comes to my mind. What was the thing that drove you the most to do so? First, it was a Language Arts instructor I had at Waldo Middle School, Mrs Edmonton, who gave us an assignment to come up with an alternate end to one story we had always liked. I still remember the task, and it was given in 1978. The second thing to drive me toward being a writer was when I watched one of my DVD movies (“Eddie and the Cruisers” where one character asked another if he had ever gotten around to writing a book. When the reply was a regretful negative, it galvanized me to get a college-ruled notebook and pen on my table in 2009. How long have you been writing? I have been writing with intent to publish since 2009, when I printed a rough outline of what I wanted to do with my primary characters of Ben and Tabitha. Why did you pick the genre/s that you have? Ever since I attended grade school, I have had an interest in world history. I have also been intrigued with the folklore of vampires. I decided to bring those subjects together, because the undead can watch time unfurl as they sustain their unique personalities. Who is your favourite character, and why? Tabitha is a former English noblewoman who has adapted to a setting far removed from 17th century Birmingham not only to thrive in present-day America, but also because she loves Ben. She has the physical strength of 20 mortals, yet she has vulnerabilities as well. In short, she is complex. And a runner. Do you have any particular quirks when writing? I munch a lot of Pringle’s pizza flavoured potato chips and guzzle copious amounts of root beer. What does your family think of your work? I think they are too busy with their own schedules to think much about it one way or another most of the time, although their collective eyebrows went up a bit when the Kindle Edition of “Resolve and Retribution: Book One of the R&R Trilogy” reached an Amazon rank of 26th for the College/Young Adult category. How do you deal with writers block? I get my rump out of my chair at the table with my laptop on it and take a stroll outside, rain or no rain. It is unlikely that I will melt, and besides, I find it to be a tranquil mini-retreat. What would you say is the most difficult part of writing? Writing, like reading, is highly subjective. What works for one person will come up short in the eyes of another. I am obligated to face the fact the best I can do is to put my sentences together in a coherent manner and hope for the best. What do you enjoy the most about writing? The routine fetters of daily life fall with a thud and it is “all ahead full” once scenarios begin to zing through my head. Where do you find your inspiration? I would say Mr Bram Stoker inspired me, but, in the same manner as “The Tortoise and the Hare” ended differently when I completed Mrs Edmonton’s assignment, I wanted my story about vampires to conclude miles off from Stoker’s “Dracula.” What do you do in your spare time to relax? Um, spare time? Sorry, I could not resist. The range varies, from watching action/adventure films to engaging in yard chores on my father’s property he cannot complete anymore to reading for enjoyment. What do you like to read? I like to read anything except for my own shopping lists, mostly because I am apt to lose the silly things anyway. I enjoy reading non-fiction in equal measure to fiction when it is evident the author is skilled with how they use words to draw a reader into their work. Who is your favourite author? K.N. Lee is my author of choice, and especially her heroine Koa, since she is an attractive brunette vampire. Where are your books available? As of the time of these responses to your questions, they are available exclusively through Amazon Books, but I have been told by my publisher more sources will be available in the near future. What are you working on right now? I recently finished writing “Response and Reward: Book Three of the R&R Trilogy.” The final novel in this series has been submitted via electronic file to Captive Quill Press, and so I have decided to take a short duration leave from writing. A science fiction novel I began months ago, a bit more than 17,000 words in length as is, awaits me “in the wings.” What is your ultimate goal? Pull up stakes, move to Texas, and start writing my fiction there. Do you have a favourite film? And if so what is it? Yes, Marvel’s “Avengers: Age of Ultron.” (Black Widow and Scarlet Witch both have gorgeous actresses portraying them.) Is there anything you'd like to add for your readers? The paperback editions of R&R One, in addition to R&R Two, will be available on Amazon as well shortly, according to my publisher, Captive Quill Press. R&R Three is in its final copy edit/proofreading stage with them. It will also be sold through Amazon Books. More sources will sell all three titles in the near future. Here are two links which vampire fans equipped with electronic devices can use right away: www.amazon.com/Resolve-Retribution-Book-One-Trilogy-ebook www.amazon.com/Returns-Reunions-Trilogy-Michael-Holman-ebook Here is where you can find Michael W. Holman Website: www.mwholman.com Amazon: www.amazon.com/Michael-W.-Holman Twitter: @NWrunningwriter Facebook: Michael W. Holman Facebook Author Page I'd like to take this last moment to thank Michael W. Holman for taking part in my interview process. Again he proved himself to be a gentleman, and I thoroughly enjoyed the insight into his mind. So for those of you lucky enough to have an electronic device, why not pop on over to Amazon and pick up a copy of Michael's books, I guarantee you'll be hooked. For those of you, like me, that prefer a paperback book, then get yourself ready to be able to get your copy to add to your shelves of all things Vampire. Once again, thank you Michael W. Holman. |
I am a wife, mother, and grandmother, and I live in Wales in the U.K. Sallyann Phillips is an IASD member.
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April 2017