![]() I met Zak Hardacre very recently on Twitter and Facebook, and, though Zak is a relatively new erotica author, he is an accomplished author under another name. Yes I know who he is, and no, I'm not telling :). I can, however, tell you about Zak the person. He's full of fun, always enjoys a good verbal sparring, and is always one of the first to offer help when needed. Zak has an outgoing personality as is never afraid to as a question when the need arises, though often enough he makes a game out of it and involves everyone he can. He's always willing to support his fellow indie authors, and he has quickly built up friendships, and a fan base, in his new chosen genre. Zak hails from the North East of England and is a former British soldier, and yes his other genre is military based, but after meeting another author of the erotica genre he decided to try his hand at something a little different. I still speak with Zak regularly, and his alter ego, but from what I can see he's having a ball with the new direction of his writing career. Here is what Zack Hardacre has to say... Why did you decide you wanted to become a writer? My father was a good story teller, and captivated me by the way he could mix fact with fiction. What was the thing that drove you the most to do so? I wanted to try and see if I could emulate my father, and if possible make it even more interesting or exciting than he did. We were always very competitive, and I still am today How long have you been writing? Almost two year now. Why did you pick the genre/s that you have? Well that is a long story but I will try and make it as brief as I can. I began using social media as a tool when I started out writing. I have published two books at this moment in time, with a final third one on the way. They are of a military genre and based on my experiences over the twenty three years of my service. Whilst using social media I came across another writer, and I can't remember how it happened but we became friends. During this time I was looking through different genres and came across a book by a lady which had a military theme to it. I noticed something familiar about her profile picture her face obscured by a hat, yet the smile was unmistakable. I knew it was the same lady that I was friends with already, who writes under a different name. After I confronted her with this she came clean, and I read and reviewed three of her military style erotica books. Well from there on I was 'hooked' and couldn't get enough of it (if you excuse the pun). I began downloading books from a group of authors purely for research purposes of course. I found that there was such a varied mix of writing styles, sub-genres and kinks. Armed with this little bit of knowledge I co-authored a piece of work called "Explosive Chemistry" with Dakota Storm. Being both British born with the same heritage and traits that go with it, we found that we had the same sense of humour and outlook on life. It made my first foray into erotica an enjoyable and pleasurable experience As we passed the manuscript back and forth I would read over what she had written, and 90% of the time it was what I would have written. This made the whole thing fun and a pleasure to do. The thing I have noticed so far compared to other genres is the support you receive from other authors. I couldn't have got to where I am on this particular journey without them. They know who they are and I would like to formally thank them all. Who is your favourite character, and why? My favourite character is Zak, as he is almost a facsimile of myself. As I am rather vane I get an incredible kick out of this. That last bit was a joke by the way 'just saying' Do you have any particular quirks when writing? I don't know if it is a quirk but I tend to do my writing early in the morning, just after I have exercised. My brain seems to be firing better at that time. I work full time and find by the end of the day my motivation wanes slightly. I also have a notepad and pen by me all the time while watching TV. If I think of something I just put a quick note to remind me for later. What does your family think of your work? My family don't know about me writing erotica, and for the moment I want to leave it that way. I told two very close friends one of whom was very supportive, the other was the complete opposite. So I made the decision it would be my secret and shared only with a select few in the Erotica community. Do you belong to any writing groups? And if so what do you think are the pros and cons? I don't belong to any writing groups as I am naturally a shy person, tending to shun from being in the limelight. I do however plan to join one or more in the future. I see support as a positive factor in these groups, and a good way of networking. I cannot comment on any negatives not being exposed to it as yet. How do you deal with writers block? I normally find exercise, and long walks in the mountains, give me time for reflection. Discussions with friends about their experiences and drawing on my own also helps. What would you say is the most difficult part of writing? I find punctuation quite difficult, as you will probably tell by my responses to these questions. What do you enjoy the most about writing? I enjoy creating a world that others may or may not have entered before. It is either familiar to some but also interesting to others. The ability to take a reader on a journey that due to their own personal circumstances they ordinarily would not have been able to take. Where do you find your inspiration? I find my inspiration from past experiences of my own, and others who I have shared sexual encounters with. Are your characters based on anyone you know? Yes all the characters are based on people I have known over the years. What do you do in your spare time to relax? I love to cycle, take long walks, and socialise with friends. What do you like to read? I don't have a particular genre, I have read horror, science fiction, historical fiction and historical fact. I could list many more but don't think you want to read a novel. Now of course I am being consumed with a passion for erotica of all kinds. Who is your favourite author? I don't have a favourite but I do like Shakespeare, Dickens, Stephen King and James Herbert I have only read around seven or eight erotica pieces of work. Out of all of them I would say I enjoyed "Violet the Organ Grinders - Entertaining the Troops by July Cummings. Where are your books available? At the moment only on Amazon What are you working on right now? At this moment of writing this I am almost ready to publish a piece of work on my own called "Undercover Liaisons". Like the previous one the story line is based on a character who is basically myself. I just use past experiences to guide the story both sexually and factually. What is your ultimate goal? To write full time Do you have a favourite film? And if so what is it? My favourite film is 300 with Gerard Butler. This is because my love of history having studied my degree on the subject with the Open University. Here is where you can find Zak Hardacre Website: zakhardacre.wix.com/author Twitter: @ZakHardacre Facebook: facebook.com/people/Zak-Hardacre Amazon: www.amazon.co.uk/Zak-Hardacre I would like to take this last moment to thank Zak Hardacre for taking part in my interview process. I hope you will take the time to follow him on Twitter or Facebook and get to know a great man with a wicked sense of humour, and maybe take a detour on over to Amazon and pick up one of his new steamy reads. Once again, thank you Zak Hardacre.
Tori Dean
26/6/2016 12:39:59 pm
Awesome interview on another Indy Author!! Congrats Zak!
27/6/2016 04:57:40 am
That was an enjoyable read. It's always nice to get to know a fellow author more deeply. A few surprises in here and that was nice. Not buying the naturally shy bit, but that's okay! Great job to both interviewee and interviewer. :)
5/8/2016 01:46:44 pm
I'm not sure how I missed this the first time around but loved getting to know Zak. Thank you both for an insightful peek inside this fascinating writer.
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