I have to tell you the idea of getting a review done has me trembling in fear. The thought that someone else has the power to sway others in the decision as to wether or not they by my book has me quaking at the knees. What if they don't like it? What if they give a bad review? Would I ever have the nerve to carry on?
Those are just a few of the things that fly through your nerve rattled brain. Now I've only just had a few so far, and I have to tell you that two of them have been outstanding, (because I have to show off of course :)). But no doubt one day I'll receive a bad one. When the time comes I hope I can handle it well. In fact I hope I can handle it like friend and fellow author Ian D. Moore did, when he received a bad review for Salby Damned. Now I read his book from cover to cover, and gave it a glowing report it deserved. However, the other reviewer thought it okay to read thirty pages, and review on that. Now I ask you, is that fair? I'd say a resounding no to that. It would be like reading the synopsis and thinking you knew the book. You wouldn't. Well all I can say is, well done Ian! You didn't let it stop you, and you didn't let it get you down. I hope I can say the same for me when the time comes. Again, until next time :) Having been asked for the link I've added it below. I hope I've done it right :) http://www.amazon.co.uk/Salby-Damned-Ian-D-Moore-ebook/dp/B00MVXFHFC/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1415622216&sr=8-1&keywords=salby+damned
12/11/2014 06:30:54 pm
Eloquently put :). Fear not though Sallyann, you already have people around you that love your writing style. You'll have a modest fan base if not already and they will give you confidence as you progress. As writer's, we cannot please everyone but hopefully, those who do read our work will actually read it and make an informed, fair decision based upon what they have read. I appreciate the support you have given, the shoulder to lean on and the openness to chat, in a way, writing takes us to different places that sometimes only we know and it can feel as if there is no-one there to help when things get tough. The "review" as it were, showed me that even starting out, there are lots of people there to support and encourage and I'll be the first in line if the time should come when you need that encouragement to get over any bad review. The words the lady wrote didn't hurt, it was more the audacity of writing a review without bothering to read which to me, is disrespectful to both the writer, and other potential readers.
Alyssa Martin
13/11/2014 12:40:58 pm
Did the author post their review on Amazon or Barns and Noble because if they did you should go and report that right now and they will take it down because there is to much of this going on the internet and it has to stop. My friend has a Good Reads and she said that if they posted that review there you can contact an administrator to have them handle the bully. What an aweful situation best luck getting that review removed!!
Alyssa Martin
13/11/2014 12:42:23 pm
sorry I meant to ask if you had a link to the review I wanted to show my friend because she has been bullied to.
Kallan Danu
15/11/2014 07:41:14 am
From what I've seen, this review isn't posted anywhere but on Mr. Moore's Facebook page. The link has never been posted, even when asked to do so. Which begs to question whether he's just slandering someone he has a grunge against since there is no prove in the public view, beyond what he is posted. I would love to see the link to this book review that was completed after reading a mere 30 thirty pages.
17/11/2014 06:49:04 am
Do you honestly believe your friend has handled his bad review well? Sounds to me like he's thrown his dummy out the pram because he didn't get the high praise he was obviously expecting. Hasn't handled the situation in a dignified mannor at all.
17/11/2014 06:52:05 am
Manner, not mannor.
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I am a wife, mother, and grandmother, and I live in Wales in the U.K. Sallyann Phillips is an IASD member.
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