Hi guys! Hope you're all doing well, and your weekend is all set to be a good one. I don't know about you guys, but I'm ready for the summer to be here now. I've had about enough winter as I can stand, and I'm totally fed up of dressing like a Michelin man to stay warm :). I've just this minute bome off Twitter, and to be honest I was a little piqued at a tweet I had sent to me. Now if you use Twitter regularly, I've no doubt that you've had some unwelcome tweets along the way. I know I have. They range from rude, to nasty, to down right pornographic. Well you can bet I blocked those suckers (no pun intended). Now the ones I've had today I've had a few times before, but now they're coming from other people. How they found me I have no idea, unless they just troll through for Indie Authors of certain genres.
This is the first one. AJ @Elijahsback@_AngelsBlood Vampirism and bloodguilt. You will lose your life unless you change! bit.ly/1b3VrLi sent out of love! I really have to say that a threat to your life doesn't sound very loving to me, and just because I write in that particular genre, I don't think someone has the right to send me such tweets to force their beliefs on me. I do believe that everyone should be allowed their beliefs, and shouldn't be mocked for whatever they are, but they shouldn't feel it necessary to have to push it on others. I have my own beliefs, yet I don't feel the need to tell you all about them, or try and convert you away from your own. So why, oh why? Would someone believe it allright to do it to me. Which leads me neatly in to the second one. AJ @Elijahsback@_AngelsBlood Do you want to live forever in paradise? Change now. See link! It will come true soon! bit.ly/1672Aeq Now as I said, I have my own beliefs, so why ever would I see the need to click on a link to someone else's site, which would no doubt try and convet me. I believe in a live and let live culture, and have to say that I wish other people believed in it too. Who is to say who is right and who is wrong, I know for sure that I would never be as presumtious to tell someone what they should, or should't do, let alone whay they should, or shouldn,t believe. I must admit I'm unsure as whether or not to block these individuals as they come up, but then I wonder if that would be against my live and let live policy. So I guess my only option for now is to wait. If they leave it go from here on out, then I'll let them be. But if they continue to send me such pushy, in your face tweets, then I guess my only option will be to block them. Please feel free to let me know if you have experience with the same thing, or with anything else you consider to be pushing boundaries you think shouldn't be crossed. I'd love to hear about them, and how you dealt with them. Oh well! Rant over. Now I guess it's time to get my nose back to the grindstone :). Don't forget Hybrid Justice will be out on the 30th March, so why don't you check it out. And Angel's Blood is already available at Amazon, in both kindle and paperback editions, which Hybrid Justice will be soon too :). Well bye for now, I'll see you all soon. Best wishes, Sallyann.
1 Comment
Yes, there are some off tweets that come to my way, as well. But nothing like this, so far... Since I write book reviews, people often, daily, sent tweets to make it look like I am promoting their book, by tagging me on the first line. I just ignore them, at first I tried to get in conversation with the authors, but I noticed it was hopeless, so I don't answer or RT to those.
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I am a wife, mother, and grandmother, and I live in Wales in the U.K. Sallyann Phillips is an IASD member.
Check out their website for a wonderful choice of Indie authors for you to chose from.
April 2017